We offer 90 Days Hassle-Free Returns on all orders. To start a return, head to your Customer Portal and select 'Request a return' or, simply email hello@williamwoodmirrors.co.uk with your order number. Our Customer Support Team will respond to your request as soon as possible and confirm the next steps.


Enjoy the convenience of our industry leading Instant Refund Service (Maximum wait time for your refund to be issued 1 Business Day).


The moment your order is collected, a notification will be sent to our Customer Support Team. Your order will then be refunded instantly. If your order is collected out of working hours (8 AM - 4PM Monday - Friday), we will refund you the next Business Day - That's our promise.

For in depth information on Returns & Exchanges, tap here.

Require further assistance? Contact our Customer Support Team via hello@williamwoodmirrors.co.uk and an advisor will be pleased to assist you.